Monday, October 18, 2010


The health benefits of oats are never-ending! I researched pages of their benefits and I summerized it for you! Reading up on these facts re-inspired me to add more oats into my daily diet! Here is why oats are worth eating :

-Complex carbs like oats not only lowers the risk of heart disease, but also reduces the risk of stroke and certain cancers and helps lower high blood pressure. Carbohydrates also contain a nonessential amino acid that improves mood!

-The type of fiber found in oats not only promotes a healthy digestive system, but also helps control blood sugar levels, which may help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Studies also show that high fiber foods help control appetite, which aids in weight loss!

-Selenium works as an antioxidant with vitamin E to help protect the body from free radical damage and protect the body against certain cancers.

-The phosphorus found in oats is just as important as calcium when it comes to strong teeth and bones!

-Oats are packed with vitamin B's which our bodies use for energy production, maintaining a healthy nervous system and reducing stress!

-The protein in oats are used to build, repair, and maintain all body tissues. Studies suggest that protein has a thermogenic effect that boosts metabolism!

I hope you found the benefits of oats as inspiring as I did!!

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