Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sesame Seeds

I have been adding sesame seeds to my recipes when ever I can! If you don't know much about sesame seeds you will really be amazed that such a little seed can really have so many health benefits! Here are a few things that sesame seeds bring to the table!

-They are a good source of magnesium! Magnesium aids in the body's absorption of calcium and plays a key role in the strength and formation of bones and teeth. It also helps lower your chance or helps you recover from heart attacks and stroke. And relieves stiff muscles and can benefit fibromyalgia patients!

-They are a great source of calcium! 1/2 cup of sesame seeds contains three times more calcium than 1/2 cup of whole milk!

-Full of copper! Copper is known to reduce some of the pain and swelling of rheumatoid arthritis.

-Contains lignins which are plant compounds that act as antioxidants!

-Last, but not least! They contain sesamin and sesamolin which are believed to prevent high blood pressure and protect liver against damage!

Now you see why I try to add these little guys in my recipes whenever possible!

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