Monday, March 14, 2011

Health Benefits of Wheat Germ

You can sneak this powerful punch of vitamins and nutrients in about anything you bake! :) I love knowing that adding this can add so much for my health! If you can buy this raw or in bulk it can be pretty inexpensive. The toasted version that you can buy in a jar is much pricier (if thats a word!). :)

Wheat Germ is rich in:
-Vitamin E- an antioxidant which is good for skin and anti-aging
-Vitamin B's- support and increase metabolism, maintain healthy skin and muscle tone, enhance immune and nervous system functions.
-Folic Acid-Great in aiding cell growth (especially during pregnancy), decrease the risk of cancer
-Omega 3 fatty acids
-Octacsanol-fights against muscular disorders like muscular dystophy, lowers bad cholesterol levels, improves muscular energy and provides endurance during exercise, improves reflexes, improves the utilization of oxygen during exercise.

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