Friday, November 5, 2010

Health Benefits of Honey

The benefits of honey go far beyond it's great taste! It is actually very beneficial for our bodies!

-Honey is nature's energy booster! It is known for it's effectiveness in instantly boosting performance, endurance, and reduce muscle fatigue during exercise.

-Immunity system builder! Honey's antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties can help improve digestive system health and help you stay healthy and fight disease!

-Honey is anti-cancer! Honey does not cure cancer but it does possess carcinogen-preventing and anti-tumour properties!

-Remedy for Ailments! For hundreds of years, honey has been recognized as one of the most natural home remedies to treat a wide range of ailments including atheletes foot, arthritis pain, and certain infections!


Jennifer said...

Honey is amazing! My dad is a beekeeper. He got a really bad burn a couple years ago and slathered it with honey and was healed up in no time. My husband had a burn just before that, probably not quite as bad, we did lots of aloe, with some other sprays and such, his took so much longer to heal. There are so many other good things it can do.

Elizabeth said...

I agree! Honey IS amazing!! My uncle is a beekeeper as well, and I visit their farm about every other week to get more honey! I use it all the time in place of any sugar that is called for in recipes I try! :)